Friday, February 09, 2007

Thank Sekhmet It's Friday

Well, the battles of the work week are nearly done, and I have hopes that I shall arise in the end, unscathed and covered in my enemies' blood.

Though I don't know if this goddess-of-war metaphor applies, since everyone at my new job has been so helpful. I keep having people come up to me and say, "How are you doing? Are you feeling really overwhelmed?"

Overwhelmed seems to be a key word at the Wright-at least five people have asked me this question in just those words. Maybe it's a psychology thing, talkin' about the feelings and whatnot. But I don't feel overwhelmed, and here's why:

In order to be overwhelmed, I would need to feel helpless in the face of my new job. And I don't feel helpless at all. Frustrated sometimes, but not helpless. And I have confidence that I will learn! (and never you mind the dark doubts late at night; those don't count except as manifestations of some understandable anxiety!)


Linda Bohara said...

Go Ais! And who's Sekhmet?

hilltroll said...

Sekmet is the Egyptian goddess of battle, known to caouse fields to run with rivers of blood. She is invoked in time of great need to come forth and defend her people. Her form is that of a woman with the head of a lioness (not to be confused with Bast, who has the head of a CAT and is the goddess of DOMESTICITY).

hilltroll said...

ps sekhmet kicks ass.